Helping provide fair and equal representation to those facing injustices in the military legal system
At the Law Offices of David P. Sheldon, PLLC, performing legal work pro bono is one way we do our part to help those in need. The vast majority of our pro bono work involves the direct representation of individuals facing injustices within the military legal system. Most of these pro bono representations occur when a potential client reaches out to us and we decide that the injustice they are facing is abhorrent and we want to use our legal expertise with the military to assist.
Partnering with organizations for better military representation
In addition to direct representation pro bono cases, we also assist organizations such as the Commissioned Officers Association (COA) of the United States Public Health Service (PHS). The PHS COA has reached out to our organization on numerous occasions because they recognize the work we do for PHS Officers.
We currently represent the PHS COA in filing suit against the Smithsonian Institute for failing to include PHS Officers in their Native American Memorial.
Giving back is at the heart of what we do
While we cannot assist every single person that is in need of our help, we strive to assist as many as possible to ensure that everyone receives fair and equal representation. In summary, pro bono and charitable work is at the heart of the Law Offices of David P. Sheldon, PLLC.