Disenrollment Case Results
Potential Disenrollment from Military Academy – Mr. Sheldon took on the representation of an Air Force Academy Cadet who was facing disenrollment for violating the Academy’s Honor Code. Both the Honor Board and Academy administrators had recommended that the Cadet be permanently disenrolled from the Academy, but Mr. Sheldon vigorously advocated for the Cadet. As a result of Mr. Sheldon’s labor, the Cadet was placed on temporary probation and has been afforded the opportunity to complete the Cadet’s final year at the Academy.
Mr. Sheldon’s client, a Naval officer facing disenrollment from the Uniform Services University of the Health Sciences was, after a contested rehearing, authorized to remain in the program.
Mr. Sheldon represented a First Lieutenant in the Army who was facing disenrollment from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (“USUHS”) for misconduct and substandard performance during his medical school training. After appearing before a hearing of the Student Promotions Committee (“SPC”), the SPC voted to retain the Lieutenant in medical school where he has thrived.
Mr. Sheldon successfully defended student facing disenrollment from an Army ROTC program at Carroll College in Helena, Montana. The student was not disenrolled from the program and was allowed to obtain his commission even though he had admitted to purchasing and using marijuana on Spring Break.
Again because of Mr. Sheldon’s efforts, a First Lieutenant, who faced expulsion from medical school, was allowed to graduate. The First Lieutenant will now begin his internship in surgery.