Types Of Administrative Investigations
Many types of administrative investigations can lead to disciplinary action, or even criminal investigation, if an allegation of misconduct is substantiated.
This is particularly true of administrative investigations into allegations of adultery, fraternization, “inappropriate relationships,” sexual harassment, hazing, discrimination, “toxic leadership,” or reprisal.
An Inspector General (IG) investigation is a more complicated type of administrative investigation, as your due process rights are determined by whether the IG considers you a “suspect” or a “subject.” The attorneys at the Law Offices of David P. Sheldon PLLC have represented multiple military members in commander’s inquiries, Army Regulation 15-6 investigations, and IG investigations
Congressional Inquiries & Article 138
They also have experience with Congressional inquiries and Article 138, UCMJ complaints.
You cannot afford to take chances by representing yourself in a criminal or administrative investigation. Your military record could be forever marred, and your military career prematurely ended, as the result of a criminal or administrative investigation.
Contact the Law Offices of David P. Sheldon, PLLC. Their attorneys will ensure you have the information and representation you need to successfully navigate a criminal or administrative investigation.
I have no idea what this victory means to you and your staff, it means the absolute world to my family and me. We are a close-knit family and it devastated us when I was court-martialed. This victory helps greatly in the healing process.
Once again, David, thank you so much for all your efforts. Truth and perseverance prevailed. God bless you, your family and your staff.
- M.H.