Administrative Reprimand

An administrative reprimand placed in your permanent personnel file can mean the end of your career.

You are not likely to be promoted and may even face involuntary administrative separation. Although administrative reprimands have significant consequences for your career, you have very few due process rights and very short deadlines for rebuttals, usually about a week.


Assisting Clients

Assisting clients with rebutting administrative reprimands is usually a low priority for military defense counsel. Military defense counsel may even refer you to a military legal assistance attorney, typically a Judge Advocate who is new to the military, and therefore, lacks the expertise necessary to help you successfully rebut the reprimand. Our attorneys have experience with Administrative Reprimands.

Taking a stand can be daunting. The Law Offices of David P. Sheldon PLLC provided timely and valuable legal counsel during the most challenging period of my career. I felt like David against Goliath: the gravity of the system is overwhelming. The team was there to provide timely and relevant advice. My legal team gave me the tools and confidence to stand up to the system AND WIN!

- Todd C. USN