Testimonial: “Through every chapter in the court battle … David was there to support us.”
After separating from the Navy in 2009 almost half a year later DFAS sent a demand letter stating I owed them almost $60,000 (and the interest just kept adding up as well)!! I thought it was truly a mistake, but unfortunately, I was wrong, DFAS believed I owed the government this debt. After attempting to fight this battle on our own, my wife and I made one of the best decisions we could have ever made, we contacted the Law Offices of David Sheldon. David and I spoke at length and over the next few weeks we exchanged information and forms. From there on David spent about 9 years relentlessly fighting for us and our injustice! When the Board of Corrections of Naval Records denied our petition, he fought back with a reconsideration, when they denied that, David took it to Federal Court. When the Federal Judge remanded it back to the Board of Corrections David and his team drove it home and justice was restored!
Through every chapter in the court battle and every season in our personal lives David was there to support us. Not only as an attorney but as a friend. When you spend years serving others, it is a traumatic experience to realize that one false debt can essentially dictate and take control of your life, your character and your name. Thank you David Sheldon and your team for restoring mine!”
– M.M.