Voluntary Remand of BCNR Decision Nealy v. Del Toro


Press Release: The Law Offices of David P. Sheldon Secures Voluntary Remand of BCNR Decision

Law Offices of David P. Sheldon PLLC

100 M St SE, Suite 600

Washington, DC 20003

(202) 546 9575


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The Law Offices of David P. Sheldon Secures Voluntary Remand of BCNR Decision

On December 29, 2021, the Law Offices of David P. Sheldon filed a motion for judgment on the administrative record in the matter of Nealy v. Del Toro, et al. First Class Petty Officer Sean Nealy suffered from severe PTSD following his service in Afghanistan and Iraq working as a sensor operator and technician, coordinating, observing and assessing air strikes while flying above the battlefield. The Physical Evaluation Board merely saw him as a conscientious observer, denigrated his service, and denied him a disability retirement. The Board for Correction of Naval Records, stunningly, concurred with this assessment, finding that Mr. Nealy had not show that he had suffered a “highly stressful event,” despite his direct participation in combat.

In the face of the submitted motion for judgment on the administrative record, the BCNR proposed to the office that the matter instead be voluntarily remanded for further consideration by the BCNR. Our office has accepted. This matter is now returning to the BCNR for the Board to reassess their prior decision, pending the need for further litigation.

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