The 2022 Symposium will be the 55th annual meeting of the nation’s top Federal, Tribal, State and Local public health providers, administrators and emergency responders/planners.
This event is the only annual meeting dedicated exclusively to the work of U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps officers. Attendance strengthens the nation’s public health and emergency response capability, while building relationships that will further the mission and objectives of agencies and provides specific education and training based on specialty. The 2022 Symposium is the 55th annual meeting of the nation’s top Federal, Tribal, State and Local public health providers, administrators and emergency responders/planners.
Event details are located at:

Military Defense is a Sponsor at the PHS Symposium in Phoenix May 24-26, 2022.
Please stop by the Military Defense booth and pick up some medical kits, stress balls and luggage wraps.
Congratulations to COA PHS for a successful 2022 conference.